Chabot Space and Science Center is an educational science center whose mission is to educate students of all ages about Planet Earth and the Universe. In November 2017, the Chabot Center launched Project Create, an interactive learning exhibition with hands-on tinkering and making spaces open to all ages and abilities. Students explore STEAM through the manipulation of real tools and materials in stations including, Marble Machines, Stop Motion Station, Shaping Shadows, Circuit Blocks, Tinker Tailor and more. In collaboration with Tech Exchange, Project Create has a station titled Tech Take Apart where visitors are able to take apart and rebuild computer parts giving youth the experience to dissect technology and its different parts. Tech Exchange provides donated computer parts to support the station. Through this collaboration, Tech Take Apart emphasizes different aspects of the creative process and explores technology in a nontraditional approach. As Tech Exchange and the Chabot Center continue to work together, Project Create empowers learners and uses inquiry as a tool to ignite curiosity. In addition, Project Create also hosts workshops in which youth use disconnected computer pieces to design and build tech monsters. Over the last 23 years, Tech Exchange has diverted over 800 tons of e-waste from landfills using our “reuse-model” approach. With Project Create, Tech Exchange is able to increase its impact diverting their e-waste, while youth simultaneously gain a deeper understanding of each part’s importance through this hands-on approach. Tech Take Apart provides a recycling space for technology that otherwise may have been disposed. Tech Exchange takes pride in connecting with local expertise and partners as we work together to empower learning, uplift and provide tangible resources to the community.
August 2024